1)lift heavy by warming up first
If you are looking to lift heavy try warming up first because a warm muscle is capable of a lot more than a muscle that had not been warm up.I would say 10-15 mins on a warm,you should  try warming up on a bike or a treadmill.

How much weight should I lift?it all depend on your goals and how many reps you are trying to achieve for example you are trying for muscle growth you should try 8-12 reps.

3)pump up the volume
Many people spend hours on single body part but in truth you need to spend 2-3 sets for beginners and for atheletes three sets and higher.for you truthly get your volume you need to decent amount of sets and high reps.Start off with about 12 sets total—say, 3 sets of 4 exercises—for larger muscle groups like chest, back, and legs, and 6-8 for smaller ones.


When getting into position on standing exercises, do what athletes in all sports do: Adopt an athletic stance. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward, knees bent (soft), torso erect (chest out, shoulders back, low back slightly arched) with your head looking forward.

This is a natural, stable, and strong position, and it should be a starting point for you when get into position for almost any standing exercise.


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